Make a Difference to Light Up Your Life!
By Andrea Woolf
Have you noticed how things are not always what they appear? At first glance, the very thought of finding time to make a difference could well feel like yet another thing to do in your already busy life.
While this is very real on the face of it, there are powerful hidden benefits just under the surface. Making a difference in the world is a transformational game changer not only for those you serve, but also for you.
How to ‘find’ the time becomes a no-brainer when you truly embrace the impact that giving back will have in your business and your life.

Here are six fabulous predictable outcomes from making a difference:
- You will be energized and lit up, knowing what an amazing contribution you are.
- You will be setting a great example for your children, team, and community.
- You will be an inspiration for them and others to get involved, creating an even bigger ripple in the world.
- Your family, team, and community will be proud of you – which may even lead to you becoming proud of yourself.
- Your business or career will flourish as you develop relationships with like-minded, like-hearted people sharing your passion for the same cause. You will come to know, like and trust each other, and this will be a meaningful, effortless and joyful way to grow your business or career.
- When you choose a cause that you care deeply about, watch your zest, energy and excitement increase in every area of your life.
Making a difference is the secret sauce to finding meaning and joy, as well as creating passion and purpose in your business and life.
Here’s to the difference you make in the world!
To support you in your journey toward creating that life, I have a special gift – it is the ‘Ignite Your Life! Blueprint.’ This will help you gain clarity about what is holding you back from living the life of your dreams. Here is the link:
The Blueprint is based on part 1 of my book, ‘Ignite Your Life! How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be.’ I wrote this book for wonderful women just like you who want to change something in your life, and for any number of reasons have not yet done so. However, you are ready now!
I wrote this book to help you bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. It is intended to be your journey of discovery to uncover what is missing and what it will take for you to truly Ignite Your Life!
It is my greatest wish for this to be of great value to you, and also to make it as easy as possible for you to get super clear about everything that has been holding you back, so that you step into your power in all areas of your life.
Again, here is the link to the Ignite Your Life! Blueprint:
Have fun creating amazing success!
To your magnificence!
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